When you need relationship counselling in Alphington, you should look for experienced relationship counselling services. There are dozens of such services operating in the area but how do you go about choosing a reliable relationship counsellor for you or your loved one? That’s where you need to do your homework thoroughly. Relationship counselling has many benefits to couples and anyone in a relationship for that matter. Counselling can help you to:

  • Understand the relationship they currently have and how they feel about each other
  • Get to know their partner better and find out what they want from each other
  • Rediscover why they were attached to each other in the first place
  • Identify what they need to do to make their relationship work better in the long run

If you are looking for an experienced relationship counselling service in Alphington, keep on reading this article to find out what you can expect from a professional counselling service.


Personal counselling in Alphington is quite similar to an educational experience. The client will not only learn more about themselves but acquire new skills in the process. The client learns about a condition they are affected with such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and more. They will better understand the treatment options that way. Here are some of the things that you could gain from personal counselling.

  • Greater self-acceptance and self-esteem
  • Interpersonal skills and improved communication
  • Changing self-defeating behaviours and patterns
  • Managing stress effectively
  • Increased decision-making skills
  • Relief from mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and others
  • Improved conflict resolution abilities

Personal counselling is usually available on a short-term basis. The length of treatment can vary depending on your specific needs. The initial session with a personal therapist in Alphington provides you with the opportunity to identify the problem and treatment planning. Appointments will be scheduled once a week or once a fortnight depending on the severity of your problem. If you need more intensive treatment for your condition, the therapist will assist in making referrals to other treatment providers in the area. The appointments are usually scheduled on the hour and are by appointment only.


Mental health issues affect millions of people across Australia. Unfortunately, misconceptions around relationship and personal counselling have discouraged people from seeking help. Here are some of the common misconceptions around relationship and personal counselling:

  • Counselling is for crazy people – This isn’t true at all. Although counselling is essential for major issues in life, it can help minor emotional issues, too. For example, just talking to someone about a situation or feeling you are having will help ease your situation. However, you need a person who doesn’t judge what you have to say. That’s where counselling comes to the fore.
  • Going to counselling means you are weak – Although counselling can make you vulnerable depending on what you have to share, it in no way makes you weak.
  • The counsellor doesn’t know me, and they can’t help – Counsellors are qualified and experienced in handling different types of mental and emotional issues. They have met hundreds of people with similar conditions to your mental issue. They can definitely help you with your problem.
  • All counsellors are the same, and if you didn’t have success with one, counselling will not work for you – This is another misconception around counselling. All counsellors are not the same. Their educational qualifications and experienced differ a lot. You should always rely on a highly qualified and experienced counsellor in Alphington.


The process and goals of relationship and personal counselling in Alphington may differ depending on many factors such as your mental health condition, the counsellor’s qualifications and experience, and other factors. Here are some of the common goals of counselling:

  • Improving the client’s ability to maintain good relationships
  • Facilitating behavioural change in the client
  • Enhancing the client’s ability to cope with difficult situations in life
  • Promoting the client’s decision-making process
  • Development

Process Of Counselling – The counselling process is a planned and structured dialogue between the counsellor and client. The process may include several important components such as the opening, exploring the client’s issues, understanding, intervention, and empowering the client to create their own solutions. This may include talk therapy and other tools.

Make sure you always rely on an experienced relationship counselling service in Alphington for relationship and personal counselling.


Our personal and relationship counselling provides the opportunity for you to explore and develop an understanding of what you
are going through. This can lead to realistic self-appraisal which can ignite the personal and/or relationship skills and qualities you
need to have a positive effect.

With the mental health impact of Covid-19, the Department of Health has increased the availability of medicare rebates for Online Video Counselling.